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Customer support

The product images shown, may not be of the actual product in our store at the time of your purchase. Photos may be of plants used in different landscape settings or of a typical size offered for sale. All size descriptions are for "trade sizes".

For help call 936-856-5001


1 Frequntly asked questions about how our store works
1.1 How long will it be for my order to be complete?

We will pull your order as soon as possible. Currently, we are able to pull and fill orders within 1 hour.

1.2 Will I get everything I ordered?

The inventory in stock number cannot be guaranteed. Keep in mind that our online store only registers what is in inventory that has not been paid for yet. If there is some in a customers possession and has not been paid for yet, those will still show up in inventory until they are paid for. We will notify you after your order is pulled letting you know what you can expect to receive.